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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Welcome...and oh yeah....see ya later

Hello Everyone,

I'm back on a different medium....just like how everything is nowadays. See its because i always said "it's not a blog" its like chapters of a book. but sometimes you chapters cannot always include all the small details in life. That's why we have technologies such as the status updates on facebook and twitter which i luv. and all the things that come with it....twitering from home, work, in the car, before jumping of a bridge, on a plane in airports. Its because you can do it from anywhere on all devices. I think they are starting to add twitter services to washing machines, so that everytime u put a load in it will be like @johnsmith has just put another load....damn....things guy's clothes really smell. theyre gonna have them in elevators. so that wen u go in say wats on ur mind it will be TwitVator. And of course my favourite the one in the toilet....TwitterShitter...that will be insane...the tagline for this product will be Twit....even when you're about to shit. its just a whole new way of keeping ur freiends and fans aware of what you are doing and where you going. I love it. I LOVE TECHNOLOGY. i would sleep with technology, i would just be too scared things mighty turn awkward between us. coz you know i need technology, it doesnt need me that much it wil survive with out me. Who am i kidding everybody loves technology. So yeah, i wanna be able to blog on here whwenever i can...if somebody knows if there is an app for blackberry to add posts im game plz holler. but until then sit tight...more to come from this abused mind.....


  1. i don't know about blackberry apps, but if u look in the settings you'll see there's an email address u can send to that will send posts to your blog.
    eh nezam el spellcheck we keda?

  2. hahahah...nothing in life if perfect why should i start....thanks for the tip;)

  3. Why aren't I informed of these developments in your life? Is this payback?
